When I first started my crocheting journey, the first thing I taught myself was to make amigurumi animals and dolls. Amigurumi is the Japanese art for crochet or knitted toy. One of the questions many beginners ask when starting crocheting stuffed toys is what tools I need to get started. So here are my five must-have tools!

1. Good Crochet Hooks

My first favorite must-have for making amigurumi is a good set of crochet hooks. Just an FYI, good-quality crochet hooks can be costly but are worth it. Starting, I purchased some non-brand crochet hook sets online. Unfortunately, they broke, snagged, and split my yarn, leaving my projects with inconsistencies. Since I developed a love and passion for making amigurumi, I decided to buy some better-quality crochet hooks. I immediately noticed a difference in my work. I found that better crochet hooks have a smoother glide, allowing me to become faster and more consistent in my crocheting.
You’ll find many different brands of crochet hooks on the market. You’ll also find that hooks come in two styles, inline and tapered. The easiest way to describe these two styles is; Inline crochet hooks are where the hook is “in-line” with the shaft, and a tapered crochet hook is where the shaft tapers off towards the hook.

When finding a crochet hook, I advise asking other crocheters what crochet hook they prefer. Then, buy a couple of individual crochet hooks first to try them out before investing in a set.
2. A Stitch Counter

A stitch counter, also referred to as a row counter, can be a beneficial tool when learning to crochet an amigurumi toy. Stitch counters are an inexpensive way to keep track of your rounds in a project. They are easy to use; click the button once you finish a round or row of stitches. I love using them to keep track of the rounds I’ve completed in a pattern. Of course, using a stitch counter is an optional tool; not all crocheters use them. But, I highly recommend them for beginners who have trouble counting their rounds or rows manually.
3. T-pins

Pins are a lifesaver when it comes to sewing on the limbs of your doll or animal. My personal favorite pins to use are T-pins, also called wig pins. The T-shape end is excellent for adding more re-enforcement into the toy when attaching the limbs. I like to place them horizontally across the body part I’m going to sew; this allows the piece to remain in place while sewing.
4. Stitch Markers

So, my number four must-have tools are stitch markers. These little things come in handy when crocheting in the round. When crocheting in rows, it’s easy to tell when the row ends because you’re going to chain one and turn. But, finding the start and finish of your work can get quite confusing when crocheting in a continuous round. When I crochet anything in the round, I place my stitch marker on the last stitch I’m going to crochet.
My favorite stitch marker to use is a bobby pin. A bobby pin as a stitch marker is excellent because of the way they are designed; they easily slip on and off stitches. Also, the extended length keeps the bobby pin from falling out when turning around your work.
5. Embroidery Thread

I love using embroidery thread on my amigurumi animals and dolls. Stitching on a cute nose and mouth, some eyelashes or eyebrows, or even eyes, can give your toy a personality. Embroidery thread is an excellent substitute for safe eyes and noses, especially if you’re making toys for children under the age of five.
Besides yarn, stuffing, scissors, and sewing needles, these are the five extra supplies I like to have on hand when creating and assembling my amigurumi animals and dolls. I’m hoping that if you are brand new to making amigurumi, this list can help your project go more smoothly.
Happy Crocheting Journey!