Book Reviews

Crochet The Golden Girls

Who are The Golden Girls? Growing up in the 80s, you’d know who The Golden Girls were. The Golden Girls was a hit television show that debuted in 1985 until 1992. This comedy shows four single women living their golden years together in Miami. Blache Devereaux, a wealthy southern belle that owns the home, and her three roommates. A naive widow from St. Olaf, Minnesota, Rose Nylund, Dorothy Zbornak, a divorced substitute teacher with a practical yet sarcastic personality, and Dorothy’s mom, Sicily native Sophia Petrillo.

This iconic show was about friendship, love lives, careers, and cheesecake. And author and crochet designer Allison Hoffman doesn’t disappoint you in her Golden Girls crochet book and kit.

About The Designer

Allison Hoffman is the creator, and founder behind the shop Crafty Is Cool. Allison is known in the crochet world for her exquisite celebrity dolls, icons movies, and television characters.

Allison got her start in crocheting in 2007. She shifted her talent into making people doll due to the lack of patterns available at the time. Allison’s first celebrity crochet doll was late-night host Conan O’Brien.

Allison has written many crochet books. One of her most popular books is AmigruME: Make Cute Crochet People, which I highly recommend my readers to check out. She’s also written other crochet books and kits like; AmiguMe Eats, AmiguMe Pets, Friends Crochet, and The Office Crochet.

I made my Sophia Petrillo doll from the crochet kit; Crochet The Golden Girls. Sophia’s finish size is 8″ tall.

Let’s Talk About The Book

Crochet, The Golden Girls, was released in 2020. The book has sixty-two pages and ten crochet patterns. Allison starts the book off with an introduction about the Golden Girls. Then, she introduces them and talks about all the patterns you’ll get to crochet.

The next part of the crochet book is all about the tools and materials and what you’ll find in the kit. Next, Allison walks you through her crochet stitches and techniques throughout the book.

Dorothy Zbornak doll that I made for the book. The doll’s finished size is 10″ tall.

The book pattern starts with the four main characters; Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose. Allison also adds other icon pieces and moments from the show with her collection of patterns.

These patterns include the famous bamboo couch in the lady’s living room—the infinite cheesecake that was often shared with a fork on many sleepless nights and challenging days.

Allison also adds a couple of other fun pieces, like her Miami pin, representing Blanches iconic leafy green bedding and wallpaper. So 80’s! Last but not least, Allison throws in a pattern for a smaller Sophia never leave home without a change purse.

There are a couple more fun iconic patterns in this book that I think you’ll enjoy crocheting. But we’ll leave those for a surprise!

Here’s my Blanche Deveaux doll. Blanche’s finish size is 9″ tall.

What’s In The Kit?

The Golden Girl kit includes everything you’ll need to make a Sophia doll. The kit comes with a 3.25mm crochet hook. The kit also includes seven different yarn colors, embroidery floss, a yarn, and an embroidery needle. You’ll also receive toy stuffing, safety eyes, wire, and beads for Sophia’s purse handle.

All the material needed for the kit is packaged in a box at the back of the book. The box is an excellent addition for keeping your supplies all together.

My Rose Nylund doll that I crocheted. The doll’s finished size is 8″ tall.


Regarding the crochet book The Golden Girls, I was not disappointed. Allison Hoffman delivered another great crochet book and kit. The patterns are easy to follow and a lot of fun to make. The book contains many visual pictures to guide you on the projects. Again, the book contains ten outstanding projects, but the kit only includes materials for making the character Sophia.

I personally only crocheted the dolls, but I do look forward to trying out the rest of Allison’s designs.

I only have two minor complaints about the kit. The first is that I didn’t care for the included yarn. I found the yarn to split and break easily. The other issue I had with the kit was the packaging. Unfortunately, the pattern book is attached to the box that holds the materials and can’t be removed without destroying the book’s binding.

But, overall, this book is a new favorite of mine. I would highly recommend it to any crocheters that appreciate the Gold Girls.

The Golden Girls

If you were unsure about purchasing this book, hopefully, I was able to help you with a decision. However, suppose you are new to amigurumi making and are unfamiliar with the designer Allison Hoffman. In that case, I encourage you to check out her other books and patterns on her Crafty Is Cool website.

Are you a Golden Girl fan? Please leave me a comment below, letting me know.

Happy Crocheting Journey!

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